Announcements / Upcoming Events

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When: Wednesday, March 12

Where: 300 Church Street, 2nd and 3rd floor

Time:  4-7pm

What to expect

An evening of great socialization, networking, and education surrounding the services we offer and our place in the community. 

We will have plenty of staff members available for questions, informational tables set up and some marketing materials to take home with you!

*Light Refreshments will be served

Open House 2025

Inspire Recovery and Waterview Behavioral Health are coming together to host this year’s Open House! 

We are excited to open our doors to our community and other mental health professionals in the area for an evening of education, great conversations and referral sourcing. 

Save the Date for now, and more details to come! 

Inspire Recovery was 1st place winner for:

Best Mental Health Provider 2024

Inspire Recovery is extremely grateful to announce our win as Best Mental Health Provider for our area. This practice truly puts it’s clients first and acknowledges the importance of top quality mental health care as a necessity for all who are interested. We pride ourselves on being “human” and being providers that meet their clientele where they are, without judgment.

This award was an extreme honor to receive and shows the support we have from all who encounter us and believe in us. We promise to continue to make mental health a priority for this community. To respect and serve those around us with the utmost care, in a supportive and inclusive environment. 

No upcoming events at this time!